Sign up below to add your name to the list of allies who commit to taking action to ensure that every campus provides appropriate working conditions for non-tenure-track faculty members.
First Name | Last Name | Institution | Comment |
Tiffany | Kraft | Clark College | |
Dan | Edelstein | Stanford University | |
Veronica | Popp | Elmhurst College | |
Rogelio | Minana | Drexel University | |
Carrol | Clarkson | University of Amsterdam | |
Edward | Whitley | Lehigh University | |
David | Hurst | College of the Sequoias | |
christopher | kendrick | loyola university-chicago | |
Adam | Mazel | University of Michigan | |
Hannah | Lee | DePaul University | |
Carolyn | Esposito | Pennsylvania State University | Adjuncts, and our students, will benefit if adjuncts are fairly compensated. |
Katherine | Larson | University of Toronto | |
Darlene | Beaman | Lone Star Community College | |
Audra | Travelbee | Arizona State University | |
Susan | Hegeman | University of Florida | |
Tom | Pace | John Carroll University | |
Benjamin | Waller | Hastings College | |
R. James | Goldstein | Auburn | This is something I work on both through the AAUP chapter and through the Senate. |
Karen | Stolley | Emory University | |
Sara | Poor | Princeton University9 | |
Elaine | Treharne | Stanford | |
David | Goldstein | York University | |
Robert | Hasenfratz | University of Connecticut | |
Roy | Perez | Willamette University | |
john | matthews | boston university |