List of Allies


Sign up below to add your name to the list of allies who commit to taking action to ensure that every campus provides appropriate working conditions for non-tenure-track faculty members.

Total Allies: 821, showing 25 per page
First NameLast NameInstitutionComment
Tiffany Kraft Clark College
Dan Edelstein Stanford University
Veronica Popp Elmhurst College
Rogelio Minana Drexel University
Carrol Clarkson University of Amsterdam
Edward Whitley Lehigh University
David Hurst College of the Sequoias
christopher kendrick loyola university-chicago
Adam Mazel University of Michigan
Hannah Lee DePaul University
Carolyn Esposito Pennsylvania State University Adjuncts, and our students, will benefit if adjuncts are fairly compensated.
Katherine Larson University of Toronto
Darlene Beaman Lone Star Community College
Audra Travelbee Arizona State University
Susan Hegeman University of Florida
Tom Pace John Carroll University
Benjamin Waller Hastings College
R. James Goldstein Auburn This is something I work on both through the AAUP chapter and through the Senate.
Karen Stolley Emory University
Sara Poor Princeton University9
Elaine Treharne Stanford
David Goldstein York University
Robert Hasenfratz University of Connecticut
Roy Perez Willamette University
john matthews boston university